Salzburg, Austria

Salzburg, Austria

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

So Much to Share

I am very tired tonight but have to share a few things while they are on my mind.

Last night was the campfire time...reminded me of Kenaniah days. Songs were sung around a campfire but this time in more than one language. Then the testimonies....oh my!

A young man from a Muslim family shared of his life changing experience. It was a sweet, sweet testimony of how he had searched for God and happiness and felt empty inside. He tried drugs, alcohol, and breaking the law but when he turned to God and received Christ as his savior, his whole life turned around. He is a precious man of God now and his wife is so precious too. His family has not been happy with his conversion but one brother and one sister have also become Christians due to his influence. He could be arrested for his beliefs so I will not share his name or country.

Another man shared about how he never had a happy family life and always wanted that and how God brought him and his wife together. He was chosen by his church to attend TCM because he spoke English but he didn't want to be a minister..."just a normal person who attended church". Now he is one of the most charismatic, enthusiastic men of God that I have ever met. (He is the one who blessed me in an earlier blog). I have come to love Zhengy and his wife Natasha from the Ukraine! Tonight they gave me a sweet note with a candle and cards written in their native language. I will treasure them!

One of our short term workers, Rod, shared how he had prayed for missions since he was 8 years old and specifically for TCM. He and his wife are here because their children sent them for their 40th anniversary. They were here 26 years ago. He has a true love for this place. We were so blessed by his tender testimony.

There were some other sweet testimonies as well .....too many to share.

Tonight we had our last dinner with our students. Tomorrow is their exams and then they will start leaving. We have a lot of work ahead of us tomorrow and Friday. It will be bittersweet as we leave this place to continue on for the rest of our trip. We have made friendships here that time or distance cannot diminish. I am blesssed to have been able to be here.

Thank you Randy for encouraging me to come and taking care of my mom while I am here. I love you so much and can't wait to share pictures, etc with you and the rest of my family when I get home! As Zhengy likes to say, "God is good!"


  1. OH my, Carol you just have a great gift of communicating. I'm so proud of you and what you are doing.

  2. I miss Kenaniah days around the campfire! I am glad you've found something that feels that good. It sounds like you are meeting some really fantastic people. Ones you will someday meet again in Heaven! Love and miss you!
