Salzburg, Austria

Salzburg, Austria

Friday, July 16, 2010

We're Here!

After some delays and excitement, we have arrived at our first destination: Haus Edelweiss in Austria. To begin with, our flight from Lexington to Chicago was delayed from 2:40 pm till 4:00 pm which made it almost impossible to make our connecting flight in Chicago to London. By the grace of God and the kindness of strangers, we made it just in the nick of time! But let's back up to the Lexington airport where Anna noticed a fellow flyer and commented that he looked just like Mike Rowe from Dirtiest Jobs in America.....a favorite show of hers. The more we watched him, the more we decided it had to be him. I walked over to him and asked him if he was Mike Rowe. He played dumb and asked who that was. You can't deny that distinctive voice however. When I told him that the young lady traveling with us was a huge fan, he told me to give her his regards! He spent the rest of the time on his cell phone trying to work out his travel arrangements due to the delay. We had to wonder if he had been in the Lexington area filming an episode for his show.

Okay back to Chicago. When we got off the plane, we had about 15 minutes till take off and a long way to go to the next gate.We stopped and asked a representative if the plane had left and he said they were making the last boarding call and we might be able to make it. So off we went as fast as we could run and got there just as they were closing the door. We were allowed to board and off we flew through the night. Thanks goodness that flight and arrival were uneventful. We arrived in London where we had some time to kill before boarding our flight for Vienna. Weather in London was cool...57 degrees but when we reached Vienna, it was almost 100.

Kelly's dad, Dick Brown, met us at the airport and drove us to Haus Edelweiss, a beautiful authentic Austrian structure that has parts that were built in the 1800's. Of course, the inside has been updated and other buildings have been added on. We got settled in our rooms, had a short orientation and then our first dinner which was delicious.

Kelly went to bed right after dinner, while Claudia, Robin, myself and Kelly's parents took a short walk around the area where we were eventually joined by Georgianna, Kelly's sister in law. The Browns showed us a hiking trail that we could follow one evening to a marvelous restaurant where we are told the desserts are fabuous! I will report on that when we have tried them.

Well, the jet lag is getting to me and we have orientation for our specific jobs at 8:30 tomorrow so I better call it a night. So thankful that I have been able to make this trip and I look forward to what God has in store for me.
I will try to get some pictures posted tomorrow if time allows.

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