Salzburg, Austria

Salzburg, Austria

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Funny Things That Have Happened

Most of my posts have been serious but this one will be a little different. Today I want to share some funny things that have happened so far on our trip.

1. At the airport in Lexington, Kelly discovered that she had a 4 0z. bottle of hair product in her carry on so she was afraid it would be taken away from her. Robin told her to bury it in her bag and they probably wouldn't see it. She did not get stopped (which didn't make me feel great about airport security by the way). When we got to London however, she was told to open her bag. The woman security person was going through and laying her things out on the counter piling underwear, etc. in plain view for everyone to see. Of course, Robin thought this was hysterical so she proceeded to take a picture. The security person glared at her and took her camera! Robin starting saying "I'll delete it!" She had to show the woman she had indeed deleted it before she gave her the camera back. As they were walking away, Robin burst out laughing wildly and Kelly was stopped again to have her bag wanded. At that point, Kelly shhhhushed Robin so they could get going!

2. To be fair I will now tell one on myself. I was sweeping the outdoor sidewalks the other day vigourously when I heard a splash in the pond. When I looked down, I realized that I had flung the end of the broom into the fish pond. I ran over and grabbed it out before it sank and then looked around to see if anyone had seen me. Thank goodness, I appeared to be alone! I bet the goldfish in the pond wondered what in the world had invaded their habitat!

3. When we went to Vienna, we were told to meet the vans outside the mall by 6:00 pm or be left. Claudia and Kelly decided to go shopping in IKEA not realizing that once you get in, it is a maze to get to the cash registers and on out. Claudia had chosen some small something to buy and was frantically trying to get to the cash registers to pay for it. When they found the registers, the line for cash was very long so she gave up, laid down her unpaid for purchase and they began running around trying to find the way back to the vans. Claudia being the worry wart that she is was in a near panic! They got out the wrong door and ran around the outside of the mall. By the time they made it to where we were waiting, Claudia was flushed and overheated! We laughed and told her that one van had already left and we were all waiting on the next!

4. One evening, we made a trip to downtown Heilegenkreuz for dessert at the Stift restaurant. When the waiter came to take our order we didn't know exactly what we wanted but finally figured it out. Claudia kept saying "tap water" because she didn't want to be charged for bottled water. After eating, we signaled for our ticket...they don't come back until you do. You can have the table all evening if you want! After getting our bill, we started trying to figure out our Euros...first time we had to do this. It was hilarious! Then we couldn't figure out if we could pay separately or not so we were trying to put all the money and tip together. Since we didn't have exact amounts, it got more and more confusing. Finally, we thought we had it so we signaled the waiter over and the first thing he asked was separate? We all looked at each other, took the money back from the middle and said YES! He probably thought we were crazy Americans!

There are more stories but I will share them at a later time!


  1. I Love it, I knew you girls would do something funny, I just didn't think you would post it. Sent you a pic yesterday, hope you got it, feel free to share it if you want. Love and Miss you very much.

  2. I knew this group would be fun! I can imagine the laughing going on there. Glad it's not all work. By the way, don't keep me waiting again. I was having withdrawal not reading this for a day. Love you!!
