Salzburg, Austria

Salzburg, Austria

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday, Monday

Getting into the nitty gritty now. We began the day with some reminders about our tasks and then on to a house that some of the students will be staying in. It had sat empty for awhile so we cleaned out the cobwebs, dusted, vacuumed, cleaned windows, bathrooms, and mopped. Looked pretty good when we were finished....not us but the house! We were a mess!

Everyday we set out dishes for the next meal. We are now setting for 98 people so it does take awhile. There is a definite system and we must follow it. I understand that though since it would be chaos otherwise. I am the water lady who fills all the glasses and carafes for the tables. Robin is the coffee lady in charge of making coffee and tea for each meal. Kelly, Claudia, Anna, and Georgianna are in the kitchen helping prepare the delicious meals we have. I cannot believe how well we are being fed here!

We are also the host/hostess of our table. Tonight at my table I had two new arrivals from Hungary...Evan and Andrea. They were so friendly. Evan spoke better English than Andrea. We had creamsicle floats for dessert. They had never heard of a float but tried them and liked them. We discussed our countries and what kinds of foods we like to eat.

During the introduction ceremony tonight for the students and professors, there were 3 different interpreters. We have students from Romania, Russia, Hungary, Poland, Uzbekistan, and several other countries. One group said it had taken them 3 days by bus and train to arrive here. This truly is a taste of what heaven will be like with believers from all over the world worshipping together.

I got a wonderful surprise today when I opened the first of 3 cards that Stephanie sent with me. It was a picture of my beautiful grandchildren. Oh, how I miss them, Stephanie, Jeff, and most of all Randy!

I am in charge of breakfast set up tomorrow morning which means up and at the dining area by 7:00 (which is 1:00 am Kentucky time) so I better get to bed.
Love to all,


  1. Sounds like your busy, but good busy. This was a great opportunity for you I'm glad it's living up to your expectations and you decided to go. Again I'm so proud of you. LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!
