Checking in tonight from a tiring day. We really hit the ground running today. Setting tables and serving almost 100, cleaning bathrooms, offices, kitchens, sweeping and mopping. No job too small to serve God.
I have met some wonderful students and professors. Last night a young couple from Latvia shared dinner at my table. Tonight there was a group from Poland. These are highly educated people with a love for learning and the Lord. We have one student from Iran and some from Uzbekistan....both Muslim countries. It is dangerous for them to even tell why they are traveling.
One group got in late last night and had traveled 3 days to get here by bus and train.
We were given some statistics today about graduates from TCM:
53% are preachers or missionaries
19% have other church positions
10% belong to para church organizations
8% are professors or directors
5 % are lay leaders in their churches
3% fall under other categories
2 have deceased
1% immigrated to America
Students present and past represent 24 different countries.
As of 12/31/09 there have been 100 Master of Divinity degrees, 462 Master of Arts degrees, 99 Certificates studies, and 79 provisional certificates given from Haus Adelweiss.
This evening the staff hosted an appreciation ceremony for all the short term workers (us) and the professors. We were treated to tortes, chocolates, and a special Austrian soft drink that is a combination taste of ginger ale, apple juice, and carbonation....very refreshing. We were told to fill our pockets with chocolates when we left and we did! So yummy!! We were also given a cookbook with Haus Edelweiss recipes....can't wait to try some of them at home. The picture shows the cookbook and some of my tasty chocolates laying on my bed.
Another busy day tomorrow so I will sign off for the night! Auf Wiedersehen!
Wow, so informative....it sounds like you are doing more cleaning than I ever do at home:( I need to clean more! The chocolate sounds wonderful and being treated well is nice. Keep these coming!